Process Of Building A House in Tinley Park: Month 4
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After last month’s rapid fire of decision making, in month four we only had to focus on doors: Exterior AND interior. Frighteningly enough, we were making calls right then and there too.
Door Selections
Doors You’ll Need To Select
- Front door
- Front door sidelight
- Interior doors
- Fire door
- Service door
- Garage doors (for 3 car garage)
- Small garage door
- Big garage door

Advice For Month Four
Remember What You Hated In Your Old Home
Although there is a tendency for people to develop preferences for things simply by repeated exposure to them (like pop songs that the radio stations keep playing that you somehow start to like), familiarity can also breed contempt. When you’ve been looking at a certain style for a numbr of years, you eventually realize whether you actually ever liked it or not. And the doors in our townhome definitely helped us make our door choices. We knew we didn’t want to choose the same designs in our next home.
The interior doors were an easy decision. We were tired of the flat design in our current home, so we got an extra arched design. We went back and forth between 2 of them, however, after about 5 minutes, and walking away and seeing them from a distance, it was an easy call.
Think About Your Pets
We made the front door selection with a nice window at the top to allow some extra light to come in. Not just for us, but also for our dog Samantha. We were also able to add in a sidelight to allow her to see who is at the front door as well.
Know How You Want Room Colors To Flow Before You Choose Your Doors
For instance, the Anderson brand windows (Series 400) can be two colors as well—one color for the outside and another for the inside. You could even choose a different pattern all together for the inside door as well! The idea behind all those color options is if you would like the doors to flow better with the color of your interior rooms.
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
We were surprised at some of the little details that we had to sign paperwork on. We got down all the way to deciding the bolts on all the doors! As much as we want to never have to undo any of the decisions we’ll be making on doors, windows, etc. in this home building process—remembering that we always can replace things and that it’s not the end of the world helps you not get stuck in the weeds.
Right Over The Garage

Towards the end of this month, we began looking at garage doors. We knew going in that we wanted to get the upgrade of the windows across the top of each garage door, to allow natural light to come in so we don’t have to turn the lights on every time we want to go into the garage.
Lastly we had to decide on the color of the garage door lights and for those, we decided to be a bit different and went with a tannery bronze color.
See you next month when we start getting more into the interior parts of our house.