Tinley Park Mom Blog -The Pyrzynski Family: Stephanie, Geoffrey, Eileah, May 2020

When I met my husband in college, I had no idea where Tinley Park even was!​

It's [Purr-zin-ski]

Why Did I Start This Blog?

My name is Stephanie Pyrzynski (née Jevtić) and I am the founder of this Tinley Park Mom Blog Site. 
I’m a well-traveled Chicago north-sider who like most Millennials was chasing a fast-paced professional life but decided to settle down, and re-route my life early.
Working in one of those tall skyscrapers just off Lake Michigan, with a breathtaking view, I aspired to be a CEO of a major digital agency. Falling in love with someone named Geoffrey Pyrzynski changed my mind and the view I’m enjoying now—just 25 miles southwest of the Chicago Loop.
Today I’m going on almost a decade as co-owner of my own digital marketing agency, which my husband founded in college, where we met. I also enjoy freelancing writing for newspapers, magazines, and books. And I’m swimming in a simple, sweet and fulfilling life in Tinley Park—balancing motherhood, love, family, and squeezing in a bit of independent writing and community building.
You check out my portofolio here if you’re curious about the work I do for a living.

Essentially—being a first time mom, in a new town, far from my family, inspired me to create this blog.

I wanted my daughter to be able to rely on me for answers to “where should we go today?” or “why is our town called Tinley?” I want to give her the small town childhood, where our family is totally connected to where we live and what’s happening. And now, I know Tinley Park and the Chicago South Suburbs better than my husband who grew up here! I was born overseas, so for me, I sought belonging to a place and setting deep roots down somewhere. And I’ve found that this part of Chicagoland has so much to offer.

The final reason I started my blog is because frankly, the south suburbs needs more attention! So I thought, why not me? Why would an adventurous, total outsider born in another country, with marketing & PR expertise be a bad choice to promote life in a suburban area that get’s overlooked and is little known?

The Tinley Park Mom Blog Today

Since I started my blog in May 2018, it’s gone beyond just being a resource for all things Tinley Park. It’s become a way to chronicle what’s going on in the world from more than just my perspective—my husband Geoff likes to contribute his recipes, guest writers contribute articles fromo time to time, and my influence has grown quite a bit. I interview really cool people when I can, and my readers and social media flowers get a different peak into worlds they don’t know about.

TinleyParkMom.com has become not only a major informative and time-saving resource for parents across the world who are seeking answers to common. With each passing year my blog branched out by tackling subject matter that you don’t typically find in “mom blogs.” This blog brought me back to writing, it justified why writing doesn’t have to be a waste of time. 

I’ve been on a podcast, featured in several publications, both as an interviewee and now a contributor! I’ve become a freelance writer for the Chicago Tribune and I’d love the chance to write for other publications. Slowly but steadily my content and stories are reaching more people, who are curious to learn about parts unknown and subjects little known. The best gift a blog can give you.

The Tinley Park Moms Facebook Group

I created this Facebook group out of a desire to help women like me connect with each other, better and faster. Making friends in a new town can be a challenge and I wanted to address that intrinsic need to belong for Tinley Park moms aswell. 

As of October 22, 2024 the Tinley Park Moms Facebook Group has 3,300 members! We share, learn from, and inspire each other, and if you’re a mom reading this, who lives in Tinley Park, we’d love to have you. Grandmothers and single gals are welcome too!

Use the hashtag #tinleyparkmoms to be featured and heard.

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