Chicago Southwest Suburbs Directory of Women-Owned And Mom-Owned Businesses​

You don’t have to search far and wide anymore. Discover the amazing things women of every possible demographic have to offer, right here in the Chicago Southwest Suburbs.

Simply click any one of the category titles in the left column in the table below, to see the local women and mom owned businesses that offer the service your looking for.


This directory was compiled and is updated quarterly for the purposes of myself and others, having a quicker reference list of local women-owned businesses. The concept started out as an experiment, to see if altruism could truly drive visible results for small businesses.

Due to the amazing influx of women and mothers who want to be listed on this page, it has become more difficult to keep track and make sure that each business is getting the attention to detail that I like to deservedly put into their listing.

If you would like your business to be listed on this page, contact me through my contact page form.

Since the inception of this directory page (on August 6, 2020), I will continue to be transparent and prominently disclose if I am compensated monetarily for any and all recommendations—appearing on this directory, articles I publish, or on social media.

Use the hashtag #tinleyparkmoms to be featured and heard.

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