Where my Mamas at?

Let’s face it: being a mom is HARD. There’s lack of sleep, sticky hands, poopy diapers, a thousand loads of laundry…did I mention lack of sleep? Of course, I don’t mind these things because it keeps my tiny human alive and (mostly) happy.

But the one thing that seems even more impossible than making my nine-month-old sleep through the night is making mommy friends.

I moved to Tinley Park about four and a half years ago to live with my then-boyfriend, now husband. He already owned a house in Brementowne and I set out to make it into our home.

I grew up in the area, in the neighboring towns of Oak Forest and Orland Park, so I considered myself an expert on the area. Also, my husband is from the West suburbs. We both work full-time and never really found the time in the beginning to make friends that actually live in Tinley.

Fast forward to nine months ago when our son was born— I quickly realized that our lack of a Tinley Park social circle meant that I spent my semester off from teaching alone with my baby, wishing I had mama friends.

So here’s my question: Where is my Tinley Park mama tribe?

So you see it can be hard to find another mama to relate, not for lack of trying. I find it difficult to bring myself to participate in those mama Facebook groups because the mom shaming is real. I see women berated for the most ridiculous things. I’m in all of those mama Facebook groups. You know the ones:

“I make my own organic granola from the things I grow in my backyard with organic compost and my son only drinks organic raw goat’s milk and I milk the goat myself.”


“She’s not breastfeeding? Call DCFS! Worst mother ever!”

If you are reading this, chances are you are a Tinley Park mama just like me. Maybe you have a nine-month-old who is teething, crawling, and generally causing mass chaos and mayhem just like mine. Maybe you love going for walks, spending time at the pool, and drinking wine just like me. But I would never know it because we are all too afraid to ask another mama, “Will you be my friend?” (Plus, where do you meet them?)

This is why I’m so excited for Tinley Park Mom. I want to find MY tribe. Who’s with me?!


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