Tinley Park “Music In The Plaza” Set To Return August 15, 2020
Here’s an exclusive early peak at tomorrow’s village announcement. The Village of Tinley Park will be hosting three Music in the Plaza concerts (with a socially-distant, Phase 4 compliant structure) this summer.
From Tinley’s Marketing Director, Donna Framke:
“Considering our space limitations and budget cuts, we have cancelled the high profile bands we originally had scheduled and have booked three new local bands: The Walk-ins on August 15, Rendition on August 29 and KO Bossy on September 12.

Stage set up will be the same as last year and we will be dividing the north Oak Park Avenue train station lot, North Street, and the grass lot to the north of North Street into zones suitable for groups of no more than 50 people (each separated by at least 30 feet). The concerts will run from 7:00 until 9:00 p.m. with no intermission. We will not be able to host vendors on site but attendees will be encouraged to either bring their own food and drink or patronize our Downtown restaurants. Masks will be required to enter and whenever leaving the designated area and all attendees will be encouraged to stay in their area unless utilizing restrooms. (I know, lots of rules!)
We’ll be managing the process through Ticket Tailor, a free ticketing platform. Tinley Park residents will have the option to preregister a group of up to 10 people for any concert, selecting their space from the (attached) provided map. Upon registering, residents will receive digital tickets with QR codes. Everyone will be required to have a ticket to get in and reentry will require a hand stamp. The ticket platform for the first concert will go live August 1.
On concert day, crowd control fencing is going to be set up around the perimeter of the area as soon as the farmers market ends. Marketing staff and volunteers will delineate the spaces with spray chalk and signage.”
If you’re interested in volunteering on August 15th, you can contact Vicki [a.k.a Tinley’s Special Events Coordinator] or Donna via their direct contact information listed at this link to the village staff directory page.
How do we get tickets for music Aug 15
The village has told me that a link will be shared on July 29 for reserving tickets.
How do I get tickets please
Here’s the latest Facebook post from the Village too. It talks about guidelines, etc.: https://www.facebook.com/DowntownTinley/photos/a.322846824471776/3244349108988185/?type=3