Where Does The Soul Go Immediately After Death?
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Why is it with the quantity of 40 in popular culture? 40 years wandering the desert, 40 day fast, 40 hour workweek, 40 trillion cells in the human body, etc.? Science, religion, and literature seem to agree—you can always count on 40.
40 days is the length of the soul’s journey into the afterlife according to psychic astrologer Maria Shaw, in her new book 40-Day Journey. I don’t know what the time frame is based on, but 40 is mentioned greatly in the scriptures of many faiths around the world. The journey of the soul is written about to my knowledge in the Christian Bible, and the time frame according to that Scripture is 40 days as well.
40 generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation in religious texts, but in numerology, the number 40 is often associated with change, new beginnings, and fresh starts. I wonder which direction Shaw will take us as she shares her theory on the soul’s passage into the afterlife.

New Book By Popular North American Psychic Astrologer Maria Shaw
I learned about this new book through Maria’s Weekly Newsletter a little over two weeks ago. And because my parents are getting up in age, literally just a couple years till retirement, I have mortality on the brain sometimes. Thinking about days gone by (auld lang syne) and the days that will be gone isn’t unusual near the end of each. So the timing of this book is not lost on me, and so I wanted to share it with you all, in case you’re thinking about death or dealing with the loss of loved ones.
“It is about the 40 Day Journey of the soul after a person takes their last breathe. My intent is that this book is used as healing tool for the loved ones left behind and to gain an understanding of what the soul’s journey from the earth to the after life is like.”
Maria Shaw
FYI: I'm not being compensated by Maria Shaw or anyone, I'm organically sharing about this book and topic because it interests me.
I became a subscriber to Maria Shaw’s newsletter just before our daughter was born back in 2018, because I’ve always been curious about astrology. I was wondering about how compatible I’d be with our unborn child, and I find it fun to read about what could be true according to the stars and constellations. Shaw popped up during my search, and her writings on the subject and her being well known made me curious enough to subscribe to her newsletter. I kid you not, after almost 5 years being subscribed to it, Maria has proven to be eerily accurate in predicting interesting things happening in popular culture and society. ?
You can buy an advanced copy of the book and kit on her website at this link: https://www.mariashaw.com/online-store/Maria-Shaws-The-40-Day-Journey-Book-and-Kit-p450373711
Product Details
This is a book designed to help people heal their grief, understand the after life journey of their loved ones and their own passage no day without fear or worry.
100 pages
You will get the book and a complimentary bottle of the Heaven’s Connection Oil aka The Life Me Up oil. This is mentioned in the book, as a tool to help raise your vibration in order to be open energetically to receive messages from Loved ones in heaven. You will also receive a genuine rose quartz or gemstone bracelet which also helps dispel grief and sadness as well as boost your vibration and bring joy and happiness to the wearer. The gift kit comes in an organza bag.
If you’re impatient or not sure if you want to buy the book, here’s what others say happen in the first 40 days after someone dies. I was raised Christian Orthodox for reference.
Christian Bible’s Take:
Days 1 – 2: Relative freedom—souls can visit places which were dear to them.
Day 3: Souls move into what are the referred to as “toll-houses.”
Day 3, sounds like what Scrooge sort of went through on that night before Christmas in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Souls go through a labyrinth it sounds like, a court case of sorts between angels and demons. Legions of evil spirits try to obstruct the soul’s path by going down a list of all sins committed, while angels review a list of goods.
Days 4 – 39: Souls visit the heavens and the abysses of hell, not knowing yet where they will remain.
Days 4-9: Souls visit the beauties of Paradise according to the revelation of the angel to St. Macarius.
According to St. John Maximovitch (www.orthodox.net), “changes are possible in the condition of souls, especially through offering for them the Bloodless Sacrifice (commemoration at the Liturgy), and likewise by other prayers.”
So apparently on the 9th day, Church’s suggest a special commemoration of the departed because next, days 10-39 are a tour of the torments and horrors of hell before final assignment.
Day 40: Judgement Day
“The relationship between the body and the soul has remained a significant intellectual preoccupation and theological controversy for centuries, made slightly clearer by the Crucifixion but then complicated but then complicated by the Resurrection.
While scholars and theologians never fully settled upon an authoritative definition of the soul, its characteristics have largely been accepted in Western thought: the soul is the combination of an individual’s essence, his or her imagination, dreams, beliefs, and memories. The essential premise underlying these discussions was well established by the time Mary Shelley penned Frankenstein: the body could be damaged, even dismembered, and life extinguished without any damage done to the soul. The uncertainty remaining, however, was how long the soul stayed in or near the corpse, and whether it could remain attached to a piece of the body— perhaps the brain or the heart— if it was relocated to another being, as happened when Victor patched together the Creature. Thus, the prospect of an ensouled Creature is tantalizingly available in the text.”
Friedman, Lester D. and Kavey, Allison B.. “2. The Instruments Of Life: Frankenstein’S Medical History”. Monstrous Progeny: A History of the Frankenstein Narratives, Ithaca, NY: Rutgers University Press, 2016, pp. 40. https://doi.org/10.36019/9780813564258-004
Further Reading
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Release: 1758
Summary: Describes the nature of life after death and of the internal state, or “ruling love,” of the individual that determines his or her situation in the afterlife.
Author: Stanislav Grof
Release: 1980
Summary: BEYOND DEATH is a collection of worldwide artwork throughout history depicting scenes of the soul’s passage into the afterlife and through the trials and tribulations of purgatory or hell into the eventual bliss of paradise. The text and illustrations also apply, to a substantial extent, to the death-and-rebirth process a person typically goes through during psychedlic therapy; there is a tie-in to a lesser extent to near-death experiences, shamanic initiation, and mystical experiences especially as occur in psychosis/schizophrenia.
Author: Jeffrey Sconce
Release: 2000
Summary: An examination into American culture’s persistent association of new electronic media with paranormal or spiritual phenomena, by offering a historical analysis of the relationship between communication technologies, discourses of modernity, and metaphysical preoccupations.
Author: Robert C. Fuller
Release: 2001
Summary: Historical book on the growing numbers of Americans who find their spirituality outside the church. Examines unchurched traditions such as alternative spiritual practices and philosophies in America, dating back to the colonial period, when church membership rarely exceeded 17% and interest in astrology, numerology, magic, divination, witchcraft and a host of other unconventional spiritual practices ran high.