My Toddler Locked Herself In Her Room
I Think My Hair Will Soon Turn White
When coronavirus lockdown is over I think white hair is going to be en vogue because of all different kinds of stress we are each dealing with. I type this after my 2 year old daughter locked herself in her room during a timeout this morning.
This is our first child and this is the first time something truly scary has happened. Right away I felt fear and panic, then I tried to shimmy the knob on my side of her door. Next I asked her to try to turn the knob, which would unlock her door, but she’s too young to understand. Finally I called my father-in-law who is very knowledgible about fixing almost anything. Geoffrey my husband was on a client call, and so I didn’t want to disturb him if possible. One minute into the call and Eileah ran out laughing happily back to the living room. I don’t think I’ve felt such relief except for when she was born safe and healthy.
So what lesson can be gleaned from this scary experience?
- Children are capable of incredible things.
- Family is the most important thing.
- You are stronger than you think.
The dilemma though is what do we do about timeouts? It’s too risky putting her in her room now that Eileah can lock herself in her room. What would the Golden Girls do?