COVID-19 Quarantine Arts and Crafts Activity Kits For Kids – Mucci World
“Go online to our website and place an order for your artist’s activity kit and our Together Family Coloring Contest. Together we can all win. Everyone participating will get a pass to our studio to paint/color for free when they purchase a product from our place.
Everyone that purchases a kit will receive 1 free coloring page per family to enter our Family Coloring Contest.
– 1st prize: Family will receive a Ceramic party for 4 ($100value) at our Studio when we reopen.
-2nd Prize: Ceramic Painting for 2 ($50 value)
-3rd Prize: Ceramic Painting for 1 ($25 value)More details online.
Pictures will be put on our studio window, website, and Facebook so people can vote. They will vote on our website. No names will be on the pictures, only numbers.
Deadline to submit coloring pages is Thursday, April 30, 2020. Put in our mail slot at 7913 171st street, Tinley Park.
Voting ends Thursday, May 7, 2020, and winners will be announced Thursday, May 14 on our website.
Have to purchase a kit to be able to entire the contest. Kits Only available through pick up only and will be given specified times for pick up, and we will bring it out to your car.
For more information visit
Mucci World is here to help keep the creative juices flowing and keep fun in your house while school is out. Only available while supplies last!“
Mucci World – Tinley Park